Back at it.

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After the crushing news of now having to wait a potential 18 months for our child, M and I hit a bit of a funk with this whole process and resorted to everyday routines...back to work, grading papers, whatever it was to occupy our minds. Its not that we stopped talking, praying or forgot about this path the Lord has put us on but I think we just had to "get away" from it for a bit. So many of you were there to help us through and we thank you all for your prayers and kind words. Life without friends and family truly would be a sad and hopeless journey.

Exhale. Ok...that's over.

And now what? Well, in typical Looney fashion, we have a few lists generated and as I write this entry, I have a collection of paint samples next to me that are begging to be placed on a wall somewhere. We are getting back in to the mode of preparation which includes finishing out the guest room and nursery as well as some new projects like updates to our master bedroom. We don't know when the next part of the journey will begin but when we started this whole thing, we always said that "Wait on the Lord's timing and till then, keep living". I suppose we have time to get our house all in order because when we do bring our baby home, we will be stuck in this house for awhile.

Ok. Where is that paint roller?
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1 comment:

  1. I will enjoy following your story. Everyone has one to tell and I am happy to be able to see yours unfold. Waiting sucks, but it is what it is and it looks like you are doing your best to keep moving forward with your lives while you wait.
