Embassy Day...

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Today was a pinnacle day with the much anticipated visit to the US Embassy in Tokyo. We didn't know what to expect or how intense it would be but it went really well! They didn't allow any electronics so we don't have photos from the trip. (The one above was taken after we returned home). 

Once we arrived at the embassy, we waited in a room that reminded me of the DMV. When our time came to go to the window Ogawa-san proceeded to place all of our paper work, in order, for the embassy worker. She was very precise and methodical and thank goodness because even though we have reviewed all the paper work a few times over, it still was over whelming. Having her with us made the process so much smoother. 

Once the head master had our paper work, he told Ogawa-san that we would try to get our interview in on the same day. This was such great news. Not having to go back for the interview would be such a relief. We waited about 20-30 more minutes and then our number came up again. This time we had our interview. Really, though, he just walked us through specific pieces our our paper work and asked some questions. After all this time wondering about THE interview, thinking it might be more of an interrogation like you see in the movies, the whole thing really was quite simple and after about 30 minutes with the second person, we were all set. The only remaining thing is that I will need to go back to the US Embassy to pick up Takahiro's passport and VISA!

Today was great and we are so glad to have had both the initial paper work session and the interview in one day and we are so thankful to have Ogawa-san to help us through all of this. It feels really good to have all this behind us but I think we will all breathe easier once we have Taka's passport and VISA in our hands. 

Because it was such a big day, we wanted to celebrate by going out to dinner. And what type of food in Japan would be the most suited for our celebration?


In Azabu Juban, we found a Texas BBQ restaurant that seemed the most fitting. BBQ and beer to celebrate Takahiro's VISA day.

So we toasted the success...

and chowed down on ribs, brisket, sausages and cornbread with molasses butter. 

Although there are differences between KC and Texas BBQ, it tasted great and felt like home.  We ate the dessert (pecan pie and key lime pie) so quickly that I forgot to take a picture.

Here we are with Craig, the owner, after our meal. He is a really nice guy and super smart - designed his own smoker that is located on the first floor of the restaurant and was doing it right by only using US Beef and white oak for the smoker. Well done, Craig!

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