Monday In Tokyo...

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Today started off with M and I's morning chat. crossed a few more things off the list and she had dinner with her mom which was nice. She said that Greta is having a hard time with everything. She knows something is up...especially when the big suitcases come out. I think she will have fun at Mindy's moms and then Greta will get to come home to my Dad whom she hasn't seen in a year. Here world is going to get all upside down. I guess all of ours will be soon enough.

After chatting with M, I made my way to Shibuya and had lunch with a friend. He runs a digital marketing studio just beyond the main Shibuya intersection. We had Tongue, rice and a broth that was amazing. We had a nice chat and I got to see he studio which was cool. After our chat, he set me up with a couple of record stores and I proceeded to get lost in Shibuya which was great. Here are a couple of images from the walk.

From Shibuya, I started walking and walk I did. First I went to a couple of Record stores which lead me to Yoyogi Park where I sat for a good few minutes. 

Then I headed to Meiji Jingu again but to see the gardens which I have missed each time I have gone and guess what...I missed it again. ;)

Then I walked through the back streets for Harajuku, something I didn't really get to do last time. Really quite remarkable all the super cool shopping off of Omote-sando. Such cool stuff from shops that I have never heard of. Really refreshing. 

Then I made the long trek up the Omote-sando road to Aoyama-itchome which was a haul. Not really sure what I thought it would be good to walk. Had two chances to take the train. I guess I just wanted to see it...never had before. 

Then I got home and made dinner...noodles again this time but more fresh. I ate on the roof again but this time it was different. There were no people and the lights on the roof were off. Only the glow of Tokyo tower and the surround buildings light the roof. This plus the wind blowing really made for a super relaxing dinner. This city is very busy and always on and everything seems to be indoors. To be on the roof, outside with the breeze and no people was quite welcome and I soaked it all in. 

Tomorrow Mindy arrives and I can't wait. With how work has gone and me being here earlier, it has truly been a long time since we have really seen each other. This time with just the two of us and with Takahiro will be special. I know Takahiro will keep us busy (and awake) but it will be our family, together...finally. 

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1 comment:

  1. Loving every word. keep writing. Even when your sleep deprived ; )
