Meanwhile, back at the apartment...

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Since our last outing, we have pretty much held up at the apartment getting used to Takahiro's schedule and learning a lot. Its been tiring with very limited sleep but we are having a blast. All of our focus is on him and we just love him so much. 

Here we are after a bottle...Taka has been a little squirmy today. ;)

Takahiro and Mom resting away. 

 Baths have been a great relaxer for Takahiro...he loves them. It's his little Onsen!

Today we had our first visitor, Yuka, whom we met in Spain when we attended a wedding for Mindy's friend, Carme. Our time was short but we had a great visit. 

Tomorrow we hope to venture out shopping more in Azabu-Juban. We need to get a few more outings before Wednesday when we go and pick up Takahiro's passport. That will be a big day for sure. 
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