Lazy Sunday...

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Our Sunday was pretty lazy and, although we didn't indulge ourselves on Mr Pibb and Red Vines while watching the Chronic *WHAT* cles of Narnia, we really enjoyed just being at the apartment and spending time with Taka-chan. 

This seems to be Taka's favorite position for sleeping. Not sure that it is all that comfortable but it does look like a pretty good technique for sky diving. 

Yes...cute little fingers. 

Taka is starting to give more facial expressions and really notice things. Here he is with that ever so slight grin. 

Even though Sunday was low key, Mindy's host family came to visit from Gunma prefecture. We had a great visit and it was nice for me to meet the family, as well.  David, in the back, is a high school exchange student who arrived last week.  He is staying with the Fusegawas for a few months before heading to another host family.  Sachiko, their younger daughter, is in New York for a year and Atsuko (behind Mindy) is studying here in Tokyo.  They are such a wonderful family and we were so happy they came. 

After our guests left I made spaghetti while Mindy put Taka to bed. It was great to have a quiet dinner together and a glass of wine. 

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