A Fussy Boy...

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Saturday began with our visit with Takahiro's birth mother. This was a special, private moment that we have chosen to keep between Taka and his birth mother. Above is a picture Eric took while we were waiting for her arrival.  We had a nice visit and will share pictures with Takahiro as he gets older.
 After our visit with Takahiro's birth mother, we headed back to our room and it started pouring rain!  Finally, a break from the heat.  It felt great, even if we could only enjoy it from our balcony.

Taka was fussy the rest of the afternoon but here is a sweet picture of my boys resting on the couch.

When Taka wasn't resting, he was doing this: 

We all took a nap and then got ready for visitors: my host family from two years ago.

Yuri got to hold Taka but he was a little stinker.  Yuri and her mom were so wonderful and understanding, though.  We had a great visit. 

After our visitors left, Taka had a bath and some dinner.  Then it was lights out for mom and Taka.  Eric stayed up to watch Harry Potter!  I'm glad I went to sleep, though, because Taka was up every hour crying and fussing.

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1 comment:

  1. so amazing that you got to meet his birth mom. what a gift.
