It's a boy!


My first blog post and it's a biggie.

Every waiting family knows what it means to get THE call.  Ours came on July 26th.  It's the best phone call that you could ever receive.  Takahiro was born on July 24th, his due date, at 3:15 pm.  He is 8 pounds, 20 inches long and precious from head to toe.  Our wonderful adoption coordinator, Taz, called us at 7:30 pm and we've been giddy ever since.

I realize that phone call was almost 2 weeks ago now and so much has happened that we should have been posting.  But, we'll get better.  And, frankly, I think E is much better at it than me so I might leave it up to him (no pressure).

E is on a plane now heading to Tokyo on business and then he will stay and wait for me to join him so we can meet our sweet baby, Takahiro.  In the mean time, here are a couple photos we thought you would enjoy.  And, we promise to post more, perhaps daily, while in Japan.

Thanks for following our story and God bless our little son.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. God bless your little son.

    Write it all down, even if you are so tired. It is priceless to remember the details later.

    love you three!
