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Today was our court date to finalize Takahiro's adoption. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and are so excited for this day. Its been a long time coming for sure and although he has been ours from the day we got him, having it be legal and official feels so good. 

He is our bundle of joy, our son and we are so thankful for him. 

We love you Takahiro Graham Looney. 

Here we are getting ready to go!

Taka and Mom in the court room while we waited for the Judge. Taka did great - no fussing at all. 

There are a lot of friends and family we wish could have been with us but we were blessed to have close friends and family there to support us. It was our "Braverman" moment. 

Afterwards we met back at the house to have cake which Taka tried to get the first slice. Not yet young man!

The Looneys, Thomas' and Jones'.

Mindy, Eric and Taka with Grandma Marcia and Papa Looney.

Taka and Mom getting ready for a trim. 

Pre-cut happiness

First cut but Taka was not too excited... we moved outside and made a bottle. 

Who knew looking so good took so much work!

Taka and his new hairdo aftera a bath. Handsome!

Taka is getting to be a big boy for sure!

Needs more sweet potatoes

Yay for bath time!

Time for bed.

Yes...I am cute. 

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Here is the original.

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